Thursday, January 19, 2012

Skinny Tips

It's a new year and with that tons of people have resolutions to release weight. Releasing weight & living a healthy lifestyle requires work but it's not as difficult as many would assume or make it out to be. I've compiled a list of what I call SIMPLE "skinny tips" to assist you. They're daily lifestyle tips that  aren't hard and don't break the bank.  Don't let the title of "skinny" fool you, they're healthy tips as well and are not reserved for those who aim to be thin. They're for EVERYONE. So here goes.....

1. Skinny people don't purchase diet food & you shouldn't either. Look at the nutrition labels & monitor your portion sizes instead.

2. Give up pop/soft drinks. They're loaded with sugar and are filled with empty calories.

3. Limit alcohol consumption. They're full of empty calories and carbohydrates.

4. Don't eat until you're full. Eat until you're satisfied. Your stomach is made up of smooth muscle and when you overeat, it will stretch out and your appetite will increase.

5. Buy smaller plates. By using smaller plates you can't pile on as much food & you consume about 20% less food. If you don't see it, you can't eat it.

6. Always leave a little bit of food on your plate, even if it's just a few bites.

7. Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day. Example: If you weigh 120 pounds, 120/2 = 60. You should drink 60 ounces of water per day.

8. Don't eat anything that comes from a can (tuna in water is an exception). It's packed with sodium.

9. Use spicy mustard or Greek yogurt in place of mayonnaise.

10. Plan your meals in advance & keep healthy snacks on hand. If you're prepared you won't have to stop at the vending machine or the drive thru.

11. Don't deprive yourself of anything. You can have your favorite foods/ moderation. Planning helps with that.

12. Skinny doesn't mean healthy & overweight doesn't unhealthy. Know your body & what works for you.

13. When dining out, have them box half of your food before they serve it to you. The portions are often more than 1 serving. Again, if you don't see it, you can't eat it & you'll have lunch for the next day.

14. If you're feeling hungry drink water 1st. People often mistake thirst for hunger as the hypothalamus controls both sensations.

15. Drink ice water. You burn more calories as your body must work harder to convert the temperature to hydrate your body.

16. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. GOD gave you legs now USE THEM!

As Karen McCoy says, “Dieting is hard, maintaining weight is hard and being fat is hard. Choose your hard."

Remember, it's about healthy living and moderation. It's only as difficult as YOU make it!!


  1. love it - thanks for the read!

  2. Okay Ms Farley, it doesn't matter whether I agree with everything here or not, ...but I do! I testify that all of these collectively, (along with exercise)really work. You are on "point".
    Donald Waddell

  3. Lol!! Thanks Donald! Personally, I'm at the gym 4x a week and exercise is key. I just wanted to give people "baby steps" into leading a healthier lifestyle. I think I would've turned people off by giving them too much too soon then they'd feel it was impossible. Once you get these basics down it does become easier. At least for me it has.
