Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Fitness Tips

Summer is drifting away, the kids are back in school, the days are getting shorter, many of your fall TV shows are returning, & the holidays are fast approaching. With all of these changes I decided to come up with some Fall Fitness Tips to keep us fit & fly.

1. Take a walk. Fall is a great time to take a brisk walk along one of the walking trails.

2. Drink water. Most people associate drinking water with summer but it's something that should be done on a consistent basis year round. Remember, take your weight and divide it in half. This is the amount of water you should drink per day in ounces. Ex. weight = 120 / 2 = 60 oz.

3. Drink tea! This isn't a fall tip; this should be a part of your year round regimen. Green and black tea contains antioxidants that help ward off diseases during flu season so you can remain healthy and active as the season shifts.

4. Get on the floor and do some exercises during the commercial breaks of your TV shows. Crunches, planks, push-ups, squats, lunges and jumping jacks are all a great way to keep moving indoors.

5. Purchase seasonal fresh fruits and veggies such as apples, tomatoes, corn, and cucumbers.

6. Take a class. I love Zumba! There's also aerobics, swimming, yoga, pilate's and also pole dancing. ;-)

7. Get a gym membership. Now a day’s memberships can be really affordable --- as low as $10 a month. Often people spend money on entertainment, dining out, shopping, etc., now it's time to invest in your health and your body. You're worth it!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

5 Things Women Need

I know it's long over due & only fair that I did a post for the ladies since I posted one for the men so here goes.....

1.  Stability – A woman needs to know what she has with you and to know that the man in her life will be there for her.  
2.  Honesty/Communication – Women like to know where they stand in a relationship.  Most women would much rather hear the truth and potentially have their feelings hurt than to be lied to. Both parties need to be able to talk openly without judgment regarding their wants, needs, likes & dislikes regarding the relationship.
3.  Reassurance – Women need assurance of her mate’s commitment to her and to their relationship. This assurance contributes to her feeling secure in the relationship. Reassurance is your relationship insurance
4.  Safety/Security – Women need to feel emotionally secure in a relationship. Reassurance from her mate via actions and words contributes to the woman feeling secure in the relationship.
5.  Intimacy – Women want to feel and have an emotional connection to their mate separate from sex.

This is not an exhaustive list of what women/men (see my last post) need but relationships that continuously provide these things will help to ensure couples happiness & the continuity of the relationship.